ICC4VET – Establishment of two-stage industry competence centers of vocational education and training – is carried out within the Erasmus+ programm from 01.09.2017 – 31.08.2020
In Germany, the dual vocational training proved itself to be of high value. In the participating countries Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, vocational training takes mostly place with complementary internships in companies. The participation in vocational training is low, the qualifications achieved are insufficient and the unemployment rate is comparatively high. Particularly in these countries with a predominantly school-based vocational training, the relevant skills and competencies must be significantly improved and high-quality quality achieved. According to a survey 96% of companies in Lithuania demand better practical and 74% better theoretical skills and abilities.
Moreover, in all the countries participating project countries, the participation in further training as well as the skills and competences in further training programs should be strongly improved. While there are solid vocational and inter-company training capacities in Germany, there is inadequate capacity in vocational education and training in the other participating countries. Vocational schools and companies have no or little experience with dual vocational training, as well as with intercompany training or work-based learning.
Taking into account the status-quo situation in the different countries, the overarching goals of the project are to:
- develop, implement and evaluate an industry competence center for vocational education and training in Poland and prepare appropriate implementations in Lithuania and Estonia.
- develop, implement and evaluate further training for vocational school teachers.
- develop a dual vocational training for a profession, implement and evaluate it in a country with predominantly school-based vocational education and training so far, and to prepare appropriate implementations in other countries.
- implement and evaluate the training of trainers in SMEs.
- develop, implement and evaluate two-year dual training courses for the technician in a industry sector.
- develop, coordinate and implement concepts for the further development for the implementation of dual bachelor courses in cooperation with universities/universities of applied sciences.
The following partners are involved:
- Baltic Sea Academy (BSA), Germany (Lead Partner)
- Berufsbildungs- und Technologiezentrum der Handwerkskammer Schwerin (BTZ), Germany
- Zespol Szkol Mechanicznych i Logistycznych im. inz. Tadeusza Tanskiego (ZSLM), Poland
- Vilniaus statybininku rengimo centras (VSRC), Lithuania
- Panevezys Chamber of Commerce Industry and Crafts (PCCCI), Lithuania
- Latvijas Amatniecibas kamera (LAK), Latvia
- Võrumaa Kutsehariduskeskus (VK), Estonia
At the end of the project the following project products are avaialble for everyone interested:
- Blueprints for the implementation of two-stage industry competence centers and of dual professional training with curricula
- Two curricula for the training of teachers in vocational schools
- Curriculum for the training of trainers in SMEs
- Blueprints and curricula for a two-year further training for technicians
- Blueprints for the implementation of dual bachelor’s degree programs through three-stage industry competence centers
- Manual with all project results, application notes and FAQ